At our YMCA, we lift up the “C” every day.
You’ll find a Bible in our lobbies. Our meetings, summer camp days, and youth sports events begin in prayer. We include weekly motivational posts on our social media and a Chaplain’s Corner in every monthly newsletter. Contemporary Christian is included in our music rotation.
We honor our organization’s roots as a Bible study and remain committed to our Christian values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility amid a world so often in turmoil.
Are you struggling? Do you need to talk to someone? You have friends here. We can help.

Meet Our Chaplains

Karlis Burton
Lead Pastor, Family Dinners Church

Tim Fox
Lead Pastor, Jubilee Church

Shaun Pillay
Associate Pastor, Olive Baptist Church

Angela Stephens
Lead Pastor, Pace New Faith Church of the Nazarene

Brian Stocks
Pastor, Wellspring
Visit this page regularly for our rotating guest columns focusing on faith in real life.
Be Certain
guest column by Chaplain Tim Fox
The future holds a mystery that none of us can fully unravel. We can make educated guesses, observe patterns, and try to anticipate what's to come, but ultimately, tomorrow remains unknown. What we do have is today, and that is enough.
Consider this: you've faced every bad day and overcome every setback so far. You've triumphed over seemingly insurmountable challenges and daunting opponents. In times of uncertainty, we can choose to be certain – not in our circumstances, but in our faith and in the unwavering presence of God, who sustains and protects us.
Uncertainty may whisper, "I don't know what my future holds." But certainty declares, "I know who holds my future!" It's in this certainty that we find peace and fulfillment.
Without Christ, there is no true peace, only uncertainty. Hebrews 11:27-28 (NLT) says, This means that all of creation will be shaken and removed, so that only unshakable things will remain. 28 Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. So, fight for what matters most – your faith, your family, your life. Don't allow negativity and uncertainty to dominate your thoughts. It's time to evict uncertainty and make room for certainty!
In an uncertain world, let's introduce people to a certain Jesus. While everything around us may shake and change, God remains steadfast and unchanging. His unshakable plan for us will prevail, even when our own plans falter.
Remember, in times of uncertainty, God is certain. Though our plans may shift, the Lord's plan for us will stand firm. Put your trust in HIM!!