Making Out-Of-School Time Count.
We believe that learning and fun continue even after the school bell rings. Our childcare and summer day camp programs give kids a safe space of their own to keep learning and growing when school is out.
For a parent or guardian, deciding who will care for your child during those critical hours between school and home is a big decision indeed. At the Y, we know that kids want adventure, activity and fun, but we also understand that parents need safety and support.
We know how to deliver both - all in an environment that promotes our core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

Before & Afterschool Care
At the Y, we help kids reach their potential and thrive in a safe, enriching setting through before-school and afterschool programs in the two-county area.

Kidz Summer Camp
Summer Day Camp offers youth a great mix of active and creative play in both Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.

Teen Summer Camp
Young teens need their own space and their own program to thrive. We also believe they want and need to be involved in deciding how they will spend their time.

Kidzone Is a Safe, Fun Place for Children. This service is for parents and grandparents while they are participating in programs and services in the branch.