From the Director – Reminders about Respect & Etiquette

On a typical weekday, about 2,300 members visit our three branches – about 60% of those at Bear Levin Studer alone.
That a lot of people and consistent with past years’ usage at BLS and Pullum.
All those visits may make it feel crowded and may make us impatient with our fellow members. While we’re excited that so many members want a healthy lifestyle, we’d like to remind everyone to follow basic etiquette and show respect for each other.
Here are a few specific behaviors we all should expect from each other.
Don’t rest on equipment between sets – especially on your phone. Someone else is often waiting, especially for high-demand pieces. (Can you say leg extension?) No one wants to watch someone camp out on equipment and scroll through social media or respond to email on their phone. Be aware of how long you may be monopolizing one piece of equipment. Let others work in.
Be careful how many items you’re using at once. In slower times, you may be able to superset using two stations or utilize several sets of dumbbells at once. But when it’s busy, realize that you may be preventing someone else from getting a workout if you are “using” several things at once.
Clean up after yourself. Wipe down your equipment after use. Every time. Really. No one wants to sit in your sweat. Strip your weights from plate-loaded machines when you’re done. That 45-pound plate might be a breeze for you to carry, but it could be a problem for the next member.
Respect equipment in the aquatic center. Don’t interfere with the steam room thermostat or sauna elements. Avoid spraying water on this equipment and using oils or scents in these areas. We all contribute to smooth operation in these spaces if we let the staff maintain the equipment.
Know and follow rules about youth. We love to see parents enjoying time with their kids – either working out together (if they’re old enough) or spending family time in the gym or pool. But the wellness floor is not a safe place for babies and young children – even in a carrier or sling or stroller. And please don’t drop your child on a sofa with a device while you get in a few sets. KidZone is available at BLS and BJP. Beginning as young as 10, your child can join you in some activities. Check your branch’s guidelines.
Be courteous and share space. Maybe someone new has come to class and is standing in “your spot.” Maybe you’re taking up an entire bench in the locker room, and someone else needs some space. Maybe another member is doing their own thing in a multipurpose room in between classes. Whatever side of the coin you find yourself on, move over, make room, and share.
Avoid the crowd by changing your routine. If you have flexibility, try a different workout time. Our busiest times continue to be weekdays from about 4-7 pm, followed by mornings from 8-11 am. Shifting to a less-crowded slot might improve your experience. And remember that the Community YMCA at Gulf Breeze is open 24/7.
Yes, our branches are busy, fun places where people from all walks of life gather to de-stress, get healthier, and support each other. If we are all responsible for ourselves and respectful of others, our time at the Y can be better for all.