May - Exercising Together

What is Les Mills CORE?

Les Mills CORE is a scientific core workout that uses athletic training principles to build strength, stability, and endurance in the muscles that support your core. Each workout features a mix of proven core exercises and new integrated core training innovations. Here at the YMCA, we pair CORE with another fantastic Les Mills cardio class called BODY COMBAT. This class is offered Tuesday at 10 am and Wednesday at 5:30 pm. The 30 minutes of cardio helps warm up your core, and then the 30 minutes of integrated core training focuses on the torso and sling muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body. Thanks to these integrated exercises, you can simultaneously and effectively work all the large muscle groups from shoulder to the knee, which is one of the fastest ways to improve functional strength and increase athletic performance.

If you just do Les Mills CORE, there are some long-term calorie burn benefits. This class builds lean muscle mass in your core, which increases your body’s ability to burn calories during power, strength, and high-intensity exercise. Research shows that Les Mills CORE can also help you run faster and more efficiently.

We recommend you aim to attend Les Mills CORE at least twice a week. Also, remember that this class creates fatigue across all the stabilizing core muscles, and it is recommended to avoid heavy weight training right after this workout.

You can expect to perform anything from planks and lower abdominal endurance exercises such as leg lowers, to gluteal training, abdominal oblique challenges and exercises to build extensor endurance.

This class welcomes all fitness levels, as there are many options offered during workout.

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.