April - Chaplain's Chat

I was recently watching a FaceBook Reel regarding a newscaster who failed to read through a news story because he was so overwhelmed with laughter at its content. As I observed the video, and the newscaster began laughing uncontrollably, I was also overcome with laughter. It is infectious. I viewed the video a few more times, laughing so much that I wept joyously. Afterwards, a sweet sensation washed over me from the inside out. Have you ever laughed like that? A deep “belly-laugh” that seems to cleanse you? I believe that all people have shared that experience at some time in their life. I hope it has been many times!

It is my conviction that laughter is a gift from God. He has provided us with a sense of humor and the ability for our bodies to express that through the form of laughter. The Bible has much to say about laughter. One of the best known verses may be Proverbs 17:22, which says that laughter is good medicine. Think about that for a moment; what do you suppose it means? Laughter has curative healing properties. It does good for our bodies. According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter provides stress relief, stimulation to organs, soothes tension, improves your immune system, relieves pain, increases personal satisfaction, and improves your mood. Wow! Isn’t it amazing that God can do so much good through simple laughter?

Our world today is fraught with troubles, woes, and worries. It can be challenging for many to find laughter in their daily lives. Sometimes, you have to be purposeful in seeking it out. Take a break today and get a dose of laughter; it will do your body some good. Remember, He loves you – and so do I.

- Chaplain Brian

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.