April - Health Corner

Stress can be defined as a concern or worry caused by a difficult situation.

While there is no single definition for the stress we experience, the most common explanation is physical, mental, or emotional strain and/or tension. While all stress is not bad, long-term stress can have negative effects on your physical and mental health.

“Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats to our lives.”

We all experience stress differently; therefore, we all handle it differently. If you’re finding yourself stressed, here are some ways that may help you to cope with it:

Disconnect – Turn that phone off; shut off the news. While it’s good to be aware, sometimes it’s even better to take a step back from the din of it all.

Take care of yourself – Eat healthy, exercise, sleep, and make sure to give yourself a break.

Take care of your body – Don’t forget to breathe!

Make time to unwind – Don’t forget to take care of yourself! Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Talk to Others – Talking to people that you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling can help to get all of that bottled up tension out.

Connect with your community.

Avoid drugs and alcohol – While you believe these things may be helping, they can actually create additional problems and increase the stress you are feeling … and/or exacerbate any existing health concerns.

Recognize when you need more help – One of the best ways to deal with stress is to be aware of the changes in your mood. Notice how these changes may be affecting you, and what they may be doing to you. Seek professional help if need be.

Stress Awareness Month was started in April1992 as a way to raise awareness of the causes and solutions for dealing with stress.This month, try to do something for yourself each day – whether that’s taking a walk, joining a yoga class, or putting your phone down. Take a moment to step back and take care of yourself. 😊

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.