Wait! Don't forget to do your part!

You might think that no one saw you walk away from that piece of equipment without wiping off your hard work and sweat, but think again. More than likely, other members have been shooting quick glances, eyeing to see if you've finished so that they can begin - which means your lack of hygiene didn't go unnoticed.

Cleaning stations are spread throughout the Wellness Center, stocked with paper towels and wipes to decrease the spread of unwanted germs and to increase best practices for clean gym etiquette.

Signage is posted around the gym, along with widely available spray bottles and disinfectant wipes. Wellness Coaches and other employees may make suggestions, but it is up to you to take it upon yourself and stay vigilant by wiping down equipment. Doing your part is an important way to demonstrate the Y's core values of respect and responsibility in the Wellness Center.

As we continue to welcome you back to the Y, we are asking you to do your part- take precautions and be considerate of others. Wipe down equipment before and after use. Performing this common courtesy will take you two minutes, help others avoid infections and maintain high-level standards of your wellness experience.

While all of us are ready to say goodbye to masks, we should all agree that being consistent and vigilant about cleaning equipment after use is one practice from the COVID pandemic that makes sense to continue.

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.