March Mission Spotlight

What is the Census? And why does it matter to us?

Did you know that every person not counted is a $1,000 loss in federal funds? With the numbers collected from the 2020 Census that means; more schools can be built, more day care programs can be offered, and more VPK (Voluntary Prekindergarten) programs can be made available. A more accurate number will help provide more funding to the area and more opportunities within the city.

The Census was created to count every living person and to use that information to regulate representation in Congress.

Every decade, the census is taken. This information helps not only in congress, but it helps on a state by state level. With the numbers collected from the census, new district lines are drawn, along with the distribution of federal funds that are used to support states, counties, and communities’ vital programs; which in turn impacts housing, education, transportation, employment, health care, and public policy.

The census reviews the current disbursement of funds in three main ways

  1. Selection and/or restriction of recipients of funds: Information is used to determine who is utilizing funds and services.
  2. Award of allocation of funds:
  3. Monitoring and assessment of program performance

Florida Kids Count is aiming to show policy makers about the quality of life for children in Florida. Using the information obtained from the 2020 Census, Florida Kids Count hopes to help build a better environment for the children of Florida.

For more information:

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“We do not work for the census bureau.”

Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.