July - Health Corner

We all have heard of BMI, body fat percentage, and the number on the scale. However, have you ever heard of metabolic age?

How old do you feel? Do you feel 25 but just hit your 50th birthday? Or do you feel 50, yet are 25?

Metabolic age is how your basal metabolic rate (BMR) -the number of calories your body burns at rest - compares to the average BMR for people of your chronological age in the general population. Why are we talking about this as part of wellness? This is another way to see your health.

Simply put, your chronological age is how many calendar years you’ve been alive. Metabolic age shifts the focus from your chronological age to focus more on your body structure and composition of muscle and fat. If your metabolic age is lower than your chronological age, that’s probably a good sign. If it’s higher, you may want to take a look at your dietary habits and exercise routine. This is an alternative way to check your fitness levels that is less traditional and gives insight to the state of your health.

Now that you understand metabolic rate, what is BMR? Basal metabolic rate is the bare minimum of calories it takes for your body to function while in rest mode. To estimate your actual BMR, you need to factor in your, sex, height, weight, and age.

In the example below, we use the Harris – Benedict Equation Calculator (http://www-users.med.cornell.edu/~spon/picu/calc/beecalc.htm):

  • Male: 66.5 + (13.75 x kg) + (5.003 x cm) – (6.775 x age)
  • Female: 655.1 + (9.563 x kg) + (1.850 x cm) – (4.676 x age)

This is important, because as we age, we often follow the same diet we have always followed. Knowing your BMR can help you feel less frustrated on your weight loss and fitness journey.

In other words, metabolic age is body composition technology. To calculate, you need a body composition calculator. There are a few options. You can purchase your own or see someone in person. Locally you can visit Everwell and take their body composition test ($20 for your first time; $10 for follow up). Beginning July 1, this test will be availableat Fitnescity for $155. If you prefer to do it on your own, there are many at a low cost that you can purchase online. Here's one on Amazon:Amazon Scale.

Armed with this information, you can see where you are and make a plan with one of our Wellness Coaches or Personal Trainers. Our staff would love to help you use this tool on your fitness journey.


Our Mission: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.